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In this work, we give efficient algorithms for privately estimating a Gaussian distribution in both pure and approximate differential privacy (DP) models with optimal dependence on the dimension in the sample complexity. In the pure DP setting, we give an efficient algorithm that estimates an unknown $d$-dimensional Gaussian distribution up to an arbitrary tiny total variation error using $\widetilde{O}(d^2 \log \kappa)$ samples while tolerating a constant fraction of adversarial outliers. Here, $\kappa$ is the condition number of the target covariance matrix. The sample bound matches best non-private estimators in the dependence on the dimension (up to a polylogarithmic factor). We prove a new lower bound on differentially private covariance estimation to show that the dependence on the condition number $\kappa$ in the above sample bound is also tight. Prior to our work, only identifiability results (yielding inefficient super-polynomial time algorithms) were known for the problem. In the approximate DP setting, we give an efficient algorithm to estimate an unknown Gaussian distribution up to an arbitrarily tiny total variation error using $\widetilde{O}(d^2)$ samples while tolerating a constant fraction of adversarial outliers. Prior to our work, all efficient approximate DP algorithms incurred a super-quadratic sample cost or were not outlier-robust. For the special case of mean estimation, our algorithm achieves the optimal sample complexity of $\widetilde O(d)$, improving on a $\widetilde O(d^{1.5})$ bound from prior work. Our pure DP algorithm relies on a recursive private preconditioning subroutine that utilizes the recent work on private mean estimation [Hopkins et al., 2022]. Our approximate DP algorithms are based on a substantial upgrade of the method of stabilizing convex relaxations introduced in [Kothari et al., 2022].
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This paper considers adaptive radar electronic counter-counter measures (ECCM) to mitigate ECM by an adversarial jammer. Our ECCM approach models the jammer-radar interaction as a Principal Agent Problem (PAP), a popular economics framework for interaction between two entities with an information imbalance. In our setup, the radar does not know the jammer's utility. Instead, the radar learns the jammer's utility adaptively over time using inverse reinforcement learning. The radar's adaptive ECCM objective is two-fold (1) maximize its utility by solving the PAP, and (2) estimate the jammer's utility by observing its response. Our adaptive ECCM scheme uses deep ideas from revealed preference in micro-economics and principal agent problem in contract theory. Our numerical results show that, over time, our adaptive ECCM both identifies and mitigates the jammer's utility.
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Recent visuolinguistic pre-trained models show promising progress on various end tasks such as image retrieval and video captioning. Yet, they fail miserably on the recently proposed Winoground dataset, which challenges models to match paired images and English captions, with items constructed to overlap lexically but differ in meaning (e.g., "there is a mug in some grass" vs. "there is some grass in a mug"). By annotating the dataset using new fine-grained tags, we show that solving the Winoground task requires not just compositional language understanding, but a host of other abilities like commonsense reasoning or locating small, out-of-focus objects in low-resolution images. In this paper, we identify the dataset's main challenges through a suite of experiments on related tasks (probing task, image retrieval task), data augmentation, and manual inspection of the dataset. Our analysis suggests that a main challenge in visuolinguistic models may lie in fusing visual and textual representations, rather than in compositional language understanding. We release our annotation and code at https://github.com/ajd12342/why-winoground-hard .
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由于众所周知,强化学习算法是数据密集型的,因此从环境中进行采样观测的任务通常在多个代理之间分配。但是,将这些观察结果从代理转移到中心位置可能会非常昂贵,并且还可以损害每个代理人本地行为政策的隐私。在本文中,我们考虑了一个联合加强学习框架,其中多个代理商协作学习了一个全球模型,而无需共享他们的个人数据和政策。每个代理都维护模型的本地副本,并使用本地采样数据对其进行更新。尽管具有n个代理可以启用n次数据的采样,但尚不清楚它是否导致比例收敛的加速。我们提出了联合版本的On-Policy TD,Off-Policy TD和Q学习,并分析其收敛性。对于所有这些算法,据我们所知,我们是第一个考虑马尔可夫噪声和多个局部更新的人,并证明相对于代理的数量是线性收敛的速度。为了获得这些结果,我们表明联邦TD和Q学习是与马尔可夫噪声联合随机近似的一般框架的特殊情况,并且我们利用该框架提供了适用于所有算法的统一收敛分析。
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二进制恒星经历各种相互作用和进化阶段,对于预测和解释观察到的特性至关重要。具有完整恒星结构和进化模拟的二元种群合成在计算上需要大量的质量转移序列。最近开发的二元种群综合代码Posydon结合了梅萨二元星模拟的网格,然后将其插值以模拟大型大型二进制文件。计算高密度直线网格的传统方法对于高维网格,不可扩展,这是一系列金属性,旋转和偏心率的范围。我们提出了一种新的活跃学习算法PSY-CRI,该算法使用数据收集过程中的机器学习来适应和迭代选择目标模拟以运行,从而导致自定义,高性能的训练集。我们在玩具问题上测试PSY-CRIS,发现所得的训练集比常规或随机采样网格所需的模拟更少以进行准确的分类和回归。我们进一步将psy-cris应用于构建Mesa模拟动态网格的目标问题,我们证明,即使没有微调,仅$ \ sim 1/4 $的模拟集也足以足以达到相同的分类精度。当针对目标应用程序优化算法参数时,我们预计将进一步增益。我们发现,仅对分类进行优化可能会导致回归中的绩效损失,反之亦然。降低产生网格的计算成本将使Posydon的未来版本涵盖更多的输入参数,同时保留插值精度。
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